Rabu, 30 Mei 2012

The new version 2.4.3 of ApPHP DataGrid Wizard has been released.

The new version 2.4.3 of ApPHP DataGrid Wizard is available for downloading from here.

ApPHP DataGrid Wizard - is the utility script for generating of PHP DataGrid pages.
ApPHP DataGrid Wizard allows you easy creation of DataGrid pages.
This operation does not require specific technical or programming
All you need is to select a table, fields for the table, define the

Minggu, 27 Mei 2012

New version 3.5.7 of ApPHP Calendar has been released.

The new version 3.5.7 of ApPHP Calendar Pro is available now for downloading. There are some bugs fixed and also many additions and improvements. This version allows new installation or updating, if you work with one of previous.

The ApPHP Calendar is a powerful PHP calendar script that
may be easily integrated and used with various PHP projects, such as