Jumat, 13 Juli 2007

BETA version 4.1.7 of PHP DataGrid

The BETA version 4.1.7 of PHP DataGrid is available for downloading from here.Main additions, changes and bugs fixed in this version you can read about in our forum.Main additions and improvements:* Feature: [added] new method setJsErrorsDisplayStyle() and option to display all error together* Feature: [added] new option "textbox" in "view_type" for foreign keys* Feature: [added] new field

Jumat, 06 Juli 2007

New Wiki format documentation for the DataGrid.

I've decided to improve documentation for DataGrid by using the Wiki. This also allow me to keep the documentation updated by the easiest way. From now you can see, edit or translate (if you wish, of course) all updated documentation in the Wiki format here:

Installation of PHP DataGrid

Getting Started