Minggu, 25 Oktober 2009

How to create and execute, run php file on windows

So you installed WampServer on Windows.
Now how to create and execute or run you php file on windows ???

First START WampServer by clicking your START MENU and then selecting WampServer and then click start WampServer.

Once Server is started then you will see a WampServer icon in the right corner of your taskbar where your clock is present.

Now open the drive where you installed your wampserver.(ex. C:/wamp/)
Then open the www folder. (ex. C:/wamp/www/)
This is your Base directory, your all projects will come here.

Now create a directory here named mytest.
Now open notepad or any other text editor you have. Type the following in it.

Save the file to the directory mytest as index.php

Now click on the icon present in the right hand side of your taskbar and then click on localhost
Now you will see the list of projects, then click on mytest, you can see that your program is executed.
It will show you all the details of the php version you have installed.

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